• We are one of the reputable manufacturers of seals and technical rubber for motorcycles and automobiles. We always produce products with high quality, meet all customer requirements and provide professional solutions. Our products are widely used for many different vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, tricycles, trucks, etc.
  • We use the most advanced technology to make our products. We supply all kinds of seals and technical rubber, including hard seals, soft seals, rubber seals, transmission rubber, stainless steel rubber, plastic rubber. Our products meet high quality standards, ensuring safety and high performance.
  • We are always ready to provide the most optimal solution for customers and cooperate with partners to provide the best products. Please contact us if you need any products in the automotive and motorcycle engineering rubber and seals industry.
  • Via Tel: 0367847818
  • Gmail:

1- Products strategically displayed at the Exhibition:

  • The company specializes in manufacturing and processing all kinds of high temperature resistant oil-resistant automobile and motorcycle seals…with many years in the technical rubber manufacturing industry.
  • Specializing in the production and processing of technical rubber products: Oil seals used in the machinery industry, oil resistant, high temperature resistant. With many years of experience in the field of rubber production, the company always offers a wide variety of products to satisfy and create the trust of customers all over the world. The company’s main products are manufacturing such as: seals (supap), oil seals used in cars, motorcycles, motorcycle shock absorbers, rubber shock absorbers, rubber gaskets, all kinds of wheels. , intermediate wheel used in motorcycle…
  • For ordering information in Vietnam, you can directly contact Tel: 0377847818 (GDKD – Anh Tuan) or email:
  • “”
  • With long-term experience in the field of rubber production, the company always offers a wide range of products to satisfy and create the trust of customers all over the world. The company’s main products are producing such as:

Seals (supap), oil seals, used in cars, motorcycles…

2- Outstanding technology the company wants to introduce at the Exhibition:

Produced according to Japanese technology, producing high standard products

3- The main message of the Company at the Exhibition:

Vietnamese people can also make products that meet the same high quality standards as other countries

Category: Exhibitor info